Luke 19
Proverbs 4
In Proverbs 4 we see the writer encouraging his sons to seek wisdom just as his father taught him. The search for wisdom may even be costly but it is worth it in the end. Interestingly, the wisdom comments made in this chapter are expounded upon in the New Testament. It is in Jesus that we find true wisdom.
Paul says that when we seek God in prayer, the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds in Christ (Philippians 4:7). Paul also encourages us to focus on the prize of heaven (Philippians 3:14). James warns us to tame the tongue and be careful about what we say, indicating that we need God to help us. James closes chapter 3 by commanding us to gain wisdom from heaven.
The wisdom given at the end of Proverbs 4 instructs us to watch the path we walk and to stay on the right path without wavering. Jesus in Matthew 7:13 & 14 says that we need to enter through the narrow gate and follow the narrow path that leads to life.
Proverbs reminds us that we need to seek the Lord and we will find wisdom. God’s wisdom is clearly set out in His Word. The pursuit of God’s wisdom in Scripture may be costly in terms of time; but it is well worth the cost.
Help us Lord to persevere in Your Word and give us the obedience to put into practice what You instruct us to do.